Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Little Bit of Nothing

So I caught something. And now I'm taking antibiotics. A sinus infection or something. Which I guess I didn't really catch if that's what it is since those usually develop out of some kind of allergy. I never thought I'd say I had an allergy in Guatemala. Oh well. Such is life.

My mom and I have done some walking around town on errands and browsing in cute stores and at the market.

Oh, the other day we went into the real market, not the tourist market, and the power was out all over town. Including in the market. The real market in Antigua is like a maze of hallways with shops. Some of the hallways are naturally litten (is that a word?) and some are litten by electricity. Well when the power is out, it makes for some dark hallways. So we walked around the market when the power was out in dark hallways. It was mostly fun, but a little bit creepy. Everyone had candles lit or something so it was't too bad, but there were some super dark spots. That was quite an adventure, to say the least.

Guatemala is well into rainy season, so the rains come every afternoon. It's nice that the house is not insulated and we actually can hear the rain because that makes for some relaxing natural noise. Like one of those noisemakers, except its real. We don't have a tin roof, though, which is fine because then it would be really loud, but the clay tile on the roof makes some nice sound bytes.

Our dog, Clifford, who is a miniature daschund that is brown, has not been feeling well lately. He'll 11 years old which is 77 in doggy years. He has arthritis, and it's worse in the rainy season. So as much as I like the rain, it would be nice if my dog felt better, but he doesn't. Oh well. So he has arthritis really bad and pretty much just lays around all day now. He used to be so spunky and wouldn't stop chasing the tennis ball for anything. It was his job. I guess you could say he's retired now. I think my parents are going to have to put him down soon. Sad, but we don't want him to be in pain forever. It's ok.

Well I'm going to enjoy my hot chocolate and the rain on the roof a little bit. Thanks for stopping by!