Saturday, February 16, 2008

Four Posts In One...

1. Going with the theme of this week, as it was Valentine's Day on Thursday, I must say what was on my mind the whole time. It might sound cheezy and silly, but it makes my heart really tender toward Jesus. All week, the Lord has been reminding me that Jesus is the ultimate Valentine, the most passionate Romantic, the Sweetest Lover. Just the fact that God the Son Himself, came to Earth in full human flesh, preached His Gospel, performed miracles, and then suffered and died on the Cross all because he loves us. Then the ultimate act of love, I believe, is the fact that Jesus did not only die on the Cross for us, but He then rose from the dead...showing us that His power and His love is greater than death. Wow. This fact causes me to want to do nothing but be romanced by the Ultimate Romantic, Himself. Christ, who waits now for His bride...preparing a place for her. He beckons us to Him daily, and as Christians sometimes we don't respond, but we should. I so desire to.

2. I'm still waiting on the IMB...Jesus give me patience.

3. My Valentine's Day consisted of the following: sleeping until about 9:30, waiting for all of my roomies to leave so that I could get up and hide their surprises all around our apartment, wait for them to find their surprises, eating lunch, hanging around my apartment, going to Wal Mart, then going to Whataburger with two of my roomies and two of the guy friends we have. Originally, we had planned on going to the drive-in theater in Ennis, but decided not to when everyone's schedule was being crazy. So we decided to go eat dinner and then we were going to go watch a movie. While we were eating dinner, my roommates and I decided we wanted to have a girls' night and watch movies without the boys. Let me tell you, we got very creative. Long story short, there are sheets hanging from the ceiling fan in our living room making a tent, the couch bed is out, we now have a fondue pot, we have 3 red box movies in our apartment, and we all probably gained about 500 lbs. It was probably one of the most enjoyable roomie nights we have ever had just because we were so creative and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would not have wanted to spend my Valentine's night any other way. It was amazing.

4. I had an epiphany this week. My roommates and I have hit it off really well with an apartment of guys that lives off campus but they all go to DBU, as well. 3 of them are also MKs, and so we all get along really well. We have gotten really close, and have sort of unspoken understandings that there will be mingling of the apartments several nights a week. Dinner and a movie, at least. Well, through a series of circumstances, I have come to realize that many hours have been wasted in these evenings. Something was said that offended me and should not have been said, and it made me really down on myself. It would have hurt anyone. Well the realization I've had is that last semester and this semester countless hours have been spent with these guys, yes they're nice, they're Christians, but it has done absolutely nothing positive for me. I have decided that I won't be spending as much time with them, simply because I'm not getting what I think I should out of these friendships with these guys. Like I said, something constantly brings me down, makes me feel bad, and want to perform. I think that as a 22 year old young lady, though I'm not seeking a relationship at this point in my life (though I'm open to one if the Lord brings it my way!), any friendship I have with a male should make me want to seek him out for guidance, advice, and encouragement, as I would do to honor any man in my life, though not in a romantic sense. I also think that I should be the kind of female friend that inspires a guy to want to treat a female friend like a lady, respect and encourage her, again not in a romantic sense. Does this make any sense? So since I'm not getting this from this relationships between my apartment and their apartment, I really need to reconsider and reprioritize my time. Not become a hermit, just guard myself and my heart from becoming hardened to any friendship with males because of one bad experience.