Sunday, April 20, 2008

Praise the Lord!

Praise God...conference went really well and the Lord totally came through. He is So Good and Faithful. To be fair, I won't blog about my decision until all the super important people in my life have been told in person or on the phone, but I will share eventually. You can continue to pray, though, for God to continue to work in this journey...the IMB still has to go through my file 2 times before they offer me the position. I have no doubts everything will work out, but only the Lord knows what He's doing. Thanks, friends!


Alicia said...

Yay! Surviving screening conference is a huge accomplishment...i look forward to hearing where God is going to send you!!!

elise said...

ahahaa you are back!! yay!!! i can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear all about it :) love ya!