Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Working on Sunday

Last week, through a series of events, I wound up working on Sunday. Sunday has been my intentional day off ever since I started working "outside the bubble" of Christianity. Basically, it's the only day I ask off for any reason besides classes. Because of this, Sunday has become my favorite day of the week. My grades do not depend on me being in class, and my paycheck doesn't have to depend on me being at work. Sundays, I choose what I want to do when I want to do it. Most Sundays, I choose to go to church.

I love my church almost as much as I love my mission family in Guatemala. There is just something about being a part of the Body of Christ that makes me know I'm in the right spot. I love my church because it feels like home. More than that, I love my church because it is full of people that love eachother, love others, and love God. It is the only church I have ever been to in the States where I felt welcome the first time I stepped foot in it.

So missing church for work on Sunday was a very interesting experience. I never intended to work on a Sunday, but this week I inevitably had to, as I said, because of a special circumstance of events that I won't go into. It's not pretty. While I felt like something crucial in my week was missing, it was fun to see our regular customers at Starbucks, seeing who was dressed up like they were going to church, and seeing who dwindled in like it was a Saturday. I was pleasantly surprised by several, and was glad that they did get to worship with their church body that day.

I did have to realize, too, that going to church is not the only way I can fellowship and worship, it's just a form of being obedient. I'm not trying to minimize the importance of fellowship, because it is SO important, I'm just saying it was not the end of the world for me to have to miss church on Sunday just to work.

Needless to say, I missed seeing my church family on Sunday, but learned from the Lord nonetheless.