Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Last week was quite possibly one of the best weeks of my life. Why? I only worked one shift, had the rest of the week off, and didn't even fly anywhere! Yes, I did go out of town, to Oklahoma, to visit Jenn, Robert, and Emma again, and it was so fun. But it was also just super fun to be able to sleep in and not do anything at any certain time because I didn't have to. It was pure bliss. Then this week it has been back to the grind, though I feel quite refreshed and new since last week. I'm back to work, not quite ready for school to start back but oh so ready to get it over with and walk across that stage.

On another note, Here are my goals for the next two weeks:
-finish my IMB application, because this is what will determine the next chapter in my life
-work on getting ready for my trip to Honduras over Spring Break, which will be an amazing mission trip with my church. I am taking leadership in doing some women's ministry, so I have to get some craft ideas and stories together for that. I can't wait. I'm so stinkin' excited.