Monday, January 21, 2008

I Finished!

Praise the Lord! I finished my applications to the IMB for the Journeyman program. The autobiography was the hardest thing, because they ask for so much detail, but won't accept more than 10 pages double spaced 10 point font. That sounds like a lot of space to fill up, but with the detail they want you to cover, and since you're writing about your own life, it is hard not to make it more than 10 pages. I had to mess with the side margins and make them smaller to make it all fit on 10 pages. Go me.

The only thing I have left to do is to go to the doctor tomorrow and have her write a letter to the travel insurance place telling them that my asthma is not bad enough to keep me from living overseas. Ha. I also will be calling in the morning to make sure they received everything I've turned in, as well as the references that are needed.

If you think of me, please pray that they have received all my paperwork, that I will get invited to the April interview conference, and that the Lord would continue to show me requests that He could potentially have me fill. Pray that He would cause me to fall completely in love with the one that he wants me to answer so that there is no doubt in my mind that that's where He wants me.

I'm completely loving this phase of my life, because it's the first time I've ever made a major, life-changing decision completely independently of my parents. Yes, I have asked them for advice because they are wise people, but I look to them mostly for support, and they have supported me and encouraged me in this process. I'm looking forward to May 15 when I get to walk, get my diploma, and look forward to what's next in God's plan for me.


Ashie Nichole said...

i love you and would love to catch up any time. :P

Alicia said...

yay! congrats!! I am so proud of you. I was just in virginia last week helping out at the j-man/isc conference!!

elise said...

yay!!! i'm excited and proud of you!!! i personally hope you're sent to italy :)