Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Random Tag

So I've been tagged...

10 years ago...
I was 12, in the last semester of the 6th grade, I lived in Nicaragua. It was the Spring after Hurricane Mitch hit Central America, so there was a lot of relief work and devastation going on. I had just played the part of Gladys (I think...) in "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever." I also was wearing baggy jeans (my brothers jincos when I could get away with it) and huge t-shirts. I had lots of attention from boys (believe it or not...) and had a huge crush on a particular one named David. My two best friends, Jennifer and Kara and I were hiding under Jenn's little (8 years old?) sister's bed spying on her play "pet store" with her friend and stuffed animals... Must I go on?

Things on my To-do list for today:
Well it's just past midnight, so #1 is obviously sleep, then get up, call 7-ICE hoping that my 8:00 class is canceled due to inclement weather (super wishful thinking), go to my 2 classes if they are not canceled, go shopping for my upcoming trip to Honduras (which I CANNOT wait for!), go to coffee with a friend, go to dinner honoring Amanda, and maybe make it to my class tomorrow night.

What I would do if I suddenly became a Billionaire...:
1. Tithe
2. Save
3. Travel everywhere I've ever wanted to go, and take my family with me
4. Buy a good car
5. Buy clothes
6. Buy a vacation home at my favorite place from #3.

3 Bad Habits:
1. I bite my nails below the quick and pick at my cuticles.
2. I put one or two loads in the laundry and then leave them in the washer/dryer until my roommates force me to take them out, then I don't fold them but leave them on the chair in my room and use them....until the cycle starts again.
3. Procrastinate...

5 Jobs I have had:
1. Translating for volunteer teams that came to Nicaragua growing up/Selling ice-cream to World Changers in Nicaragua when I was 12
2. Student worker at the DBU lab school in 2004-2005
3. Starbucks Barista
4. CBS 11 intern
5. Kids Care sub at church

5 Things People Don't know about me:
1. I was born in Mississippi
2. I love reading fiction...when I have time to read for pleasure, that is.
3. I lived in an adobe house when I was little
4. The adobe house I lived in was in a Mayan Indian village in the last corner of Guatemala before you fall off the face of the earth.
5. The beach is my favorite.

I tag everyone who reads this. :)