Friday, March 7, 2008

Honduras, Here I Come!!

So in 24 hours I will be on an airplane headed to Tegcucigalpa, Honduras with a group from my church for an amazing week. I simply cannot wait. This will be my 3rd trip to Honduras with the church, and I must say, that this trip is addicting.

God has done a lot of amazing things on these trips to Honduras. The first year I went, He confirmed to me my call to missions, and out of that caused me to break up with the guy I was dating from Guatemala. It was my first missions experience apart from my parents, and it changed my life completely. He confirmed to me that He wanted nothing less than what my parents and grandparents had given Him, a live of utter obedience, and consequently ministry.

I skipped one year between the first time I went and the second time I went, and on the trip last year (my second trip) I made some precious friends. I had the opportunity to get close to a lady at my church who has been such an incredible blessing. My brother also went last year, and it was fun watching him in action in missions, to which he and his wife have also expressed a call.

This year will likely be my last trip to Honduras with First Baptist Irving for quite a while. My sweet roommate, Courtney is going for the first time, and I can't wait for her to reap the blessings that going on this trip will bring her.

I wold beg your prayers for all of us next week. Here are some specifics:

1. The community we will be serving is the location of a new church plant that has yet to be established. Pray that God would use our group of 36 crazy Americans to provide an open door to the gospel, particularly through ministry to children and women.
2. Pray for the hearts of the people we will come in contact with, that they would be attracted to the Gospel and receive it as we present it.
3. We will be doing some women's ministry, and the theme I have chosen for that is "The God Who Sees Me". I will be presenting the stories of Eve, Hagar, and The Samaritan Women. We will also be presenting the Gospel to these women on one of the days. Pray that they in their loneliness (many of their husbands are in the States or off with other women) would long to know the God who sees them, and that they would accept His gift of salvation.
4. Pray for safety as we travel, minister, and tour.
5. Pray that the motives of each and every person on the team would be pure and God honoring, not for ourselves.

Thank you so much for your prayers. I will be sure to post pictures when we return!