Friday, November 9, 2007

Sweet treasures from Jesus

Often in my quiet times, which unfortunately I don't have consistently...I'm trying to get better..., Jesus drops sweet treasures in that make me think a lot. Along with reading the Word I have been reading My Utmost for His Highest, something I think every Christian should read. I finally broke down and bought a copy this past summer and I've loved it. This morning I was reading the one entitled "How Could Someone So Persecute Jesus!" and on the last paragraph read something that caught my eye. My friend Oswald writes, "All I do should be based on a perfect oneness with Him, not on a self-willed determination to be godly." WOAH!! it kind of hit me not quite as a slap in the face, but not quite as anything else, either. I wonder often, is all I do based upon a perfect oneness with Him? Or am I out on a self-determined, self-marked path to try and make myself godly?? I think that once I am perfectly one with Him, then is when I will be godly. I think this is a huge encouragement to those of us who try so hard to be godly but constantly find ourselves short of it. Is it easier to be one with Him? Maybe that comes with like-mindedness with Christ. So much to ponder and strive for. Think about it....


Ashie Nichole said...

That is encouragin my love. Thank you for your comments on my blogs... I have not been good about commenting. I think that our friend Oswald is right, it is about striving for oneness with Him, when we start to do anything else, that is sometimes where our sneaky little friend Pride comes in.
Love you sweet girl!!