Sunday, November 4, 2007

Obeying God

I've recently been pondering the different stages that the Lord takes me through in my Spiritual walk. I think during high school, the Lord's theme for my life was teaching me His incredibly GOOD he is and faithful, so that I could learn to trust Him.

The last few months, though, maybe years, I don't know, God's theme for my life has been Obeying Him. He has taught me to obey Him in so many ways, and taught me about obedience. I guess I started figuring this out when I was working out my call to missions and what God would have me do with that in the next phase of my life, which is rapidly approaching. I was talking to my dad, and he had been speaking with my best friend's father, who was also trying to work out what God would have her do with the next few months of her life. Both of us were struggling with decisions that may take us overseas, to countries we've never been to, languages we've never learned. My dad and my friend's dad were sharing their worries with each other about letting their little girls' out into the world that they'd never been in etc. My dad told me what he told my friend's dad that day, and he said "I guess that's what we get for teaching our children to obey God."

So I've been working this out in my mind, what it means to obey God in all that I do...every day life, every day decisions, and then the big ones. What I strive to do is OBEY GOD.