Friday, November 30, 2007

Precious Emma

Tuesday morning, at sometime between 7:40 and 7:50 in the morning, precious little Emma Ruth Buxton came into the world as the daughter of one of my best friends.She weighed in at 5lbs 15 oz and is 18 in. long. Isn't she beautiful????

I had the opportunity to go visit all day Wednesday, and spent several hours with this beautiful child. She slept most of the day, of course, but I already love her so much. And she's not even my daughter. I can only imagine how much Jenn and Robert love her.
My prayer for Emma is that she will one day realize how much Jesus loves her and realize her need for Him to be a part of her life. That she will come to a saving faith in Him and love and obey Him in her life.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving and generational blessings

Psalm 100

1Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
3Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

4Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.

God is so good. I've been thinking a lot recently on my family history. Both of my sets of grandparents were missionaries for many years in South and Central America. My parents are missionaries, and my brother and his wife will eventually probably go to the mission field, as well as myself. These are three generations of missionaries in my family history. I was talking to my grandmother the other day about my brother and myself and my cousins, and she said the thing she's most thankful for in all of her grandchildren that we all love the Lord.

I shared with her tonight before I left to come back to DBU that I believe firmly in the biblical concept of generational curses and blessings, and that I believe it's a blessing that at least three generations in my family have been called to the mission field. She told me that this generational blessing goes back to her great grandfather, who prayed that all of his offspring would be used of God. Wow! What a prayer, and God is so good and faithful to answer that. I only pray that God may find me worthy to be used of Him as well.

I also pray that my future children will be used by God, and that this blessing does not stop with me.

Monday, November 19, 2007

A Place to Call My Own

Sometimes I wish I had a place to call my own...
A place where I wouldn't have to worry about coming home from work in a bad mood and having to pretend I'm happy.
A place where I can leave my stuff in the dryer as long as I want without having to take it out or someone take it out for me and completely wrinkle it all.
A place where the kitchen would be clean all the time, and if it were messy it would be my mess and I know I would clean it up.
A place where I could have people over when I wanted them there and kick them out when I felt like being a hermit.
A place where I could unashamedly play my Spanish music loud and not get funny looks from anyone.
A place where I could cook whatever I want and not get funny looks from anyone.
A place where I could fall asleep on the couch and not care if anyone was going to walk in and see me.
A place where more than my bed would be untouched by anyone else.
A place where I could put whatever I wanted on the walls and table, displaying where I came from and who I am.
A place to call my very own.

But I don't have a place to call my very own. I share a place with 4 other precious women, and though sometimes I need a vacation, I wouldn't replace any of them with anyone. And I wouldn't trade my years with them for years of sheer and utter loneliness. I wouldn't trade the fun late-night silliness for more sleep. I wouldn't trade the admonition and advice for no one to talk to.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Holiday Season

My goal for this holiday season is to do my best and appreciate the people I am spending it with for who they are. I love my mom and dad, brother and sister-in-law, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. But the people I am used to spending the Christmas season with are in another country. They are my mission aunts, uncles and cousins, many of whom have watched me grow up since I was a toddler. I love and treasure the traditions of my mission family, so this year I will learn to love and treasure whatever semblance of traditions my biological family puts together.

Christmas in the States, throughout the years that I've been here for them...maybe four or five that I can remember out of my whole life, has always been an array of happenings. I used to look at it positively as having three Christmases in stead of just one. This year I need to learn that my family time matters more than just getting three sets of gifts.

It's interesting, too, how my love language is quality time, yet I don't really look forward to cultivating my relationship with my biological family through spending the little quality time I am able to. I need to look at my missing out on my mission family Christmas as cultivating relationships and spending quality time with my biological family.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Justifying sin.

I've been surrounded for a while by a few Christians who seem to think it's ok to justify their sins. Yes, we're all sinners, I'm in no way perfect. However, there is something very very very wrong with college students calling each other asking if the other has ever written a paper over something and if they can have it to turn in. "most CEOs cheated to get where they are at..." is their excuse. I don't want to hear it. There's also something wrong with someone getting injured and not giving the proper authorities the right information because it's not "pertinent." Yes, I'm a sucker for telling the truth and the whole truth, and I also prefer to not turn something in at all in stead of turning in someone else's work and calling it my own. Of course, these things are not sins that physically hurt other people, and are mostly needed to be dealt with by the person who is committing them, but sin is still sin, no matter who it is against. All sin is committed against God, some is committed against other human beings.

Like I said at first, I'm far from perfect, I have sin that I deal with in my own life, and it's a daily struggle that I have to keep my mind set in the right place in order to take my thoughts captive to the authority of Jesus Christ. Something my pastor has said, and it's one of my favorite lessons I have learned from him, is that the difference between sin in Believers' lives and sin in the lives of un-believers, is that believers have to make a conscious decision to sin. I've thought about this concept a lot, because of how true it is. When I commit sin, I make a conscious choice to do so. I think knowing this truth helps me to not decide to commit sin, though sometimes my flesh causes me to give in.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that, I don't understand how Christians can get off making excuses for their sinful actions.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Sweet treasures from Jesus

Often in my quiet times, which unfortunately I don't have consistently...I'm trying to get better..., Jesus drops sweet treasures in that make me think a lot. Along with reading the Word I have been reading My Utmost for His Highest, something I think every Christian should read. I finally broke down and bought a copy this past summer and I've loved it. This morning I was reading the one entitled "How Could Someone So Persecute Jesus!" and on the last paragraph read something that caught my eye. My friend Oswald writes, "All I do should be based on a perfect oneness with Him, not on a self-willed determination to be godly." WOAH!! it kind of hit me not quite as a slap in the face, but not quite as anything else, either. I wonder often, is all I do based upon a perfect oneness with Him? Or am I out on a self-determined, self-marked path to try and make myself godly?? I think that once I am perfectly one with Him, then is when I will be godly. I think this is a huge encouragement to those of us who try so hard to be godly but constantly find ourselves short of it. Is it easier to be one with Him? Maybe that comes with like-mindedness with Christ. So much to ponder and strive for. Think about it....

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Obeying God

I've recently been pondering the different stages that the Lord takes me through in my Spiritual walk. I think during high school, the Lord's theme for my life was teaching me His incredibly GOOD he is and faithful, so that I could learn to trust Him.

The last few months, though, maybe years, I don't know, God's theme for my life has been Obeying Him. He has taught me to obey Him in so many ways, and taught me about obedience. I guess I started figuring this out when I was working out my call to missions and what God would have me do with that in the next phase of my life, which is rapidly approaching. I was talking to my dad, and he had been speaking with my best friend's father, who was also trying to work out what God would have her do with the next few months of her life. Both of us were struggling with decisions that may take us overseas, to countries we've never been to, languages we've never learned. My dad and my friend's dad were sharing their worries with each other about letting their little girls' out into the world that they'd never been in etc. My dad told me what he told my friend's dad that day, and he said "I guess that's what we get for teaching our children to obey God."

So I've been working this out in my mind, what it means to obey God in all that I do...every day life, every day decisions, and then the big ones. What I strive to do is OBEY GOD.