Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Loving it!

So I'm loving being home...I haven't been in Guatemala in over a year and a half and it's great. One of my favorite things to do is go and sit in the park and people watch. Here you can do that and not be creepy :). My best friend, Keeley, is in town while our parents are in meetings so we have spent 2 afternoons so far drinking coffee in the park watching people.
So I'm loving being home...I haven't been in Guatemala in over a year and a half and it's great. One of my favorite things to do is go and sit in the park and people watch. Here you can do that and not be creepy :). My best friend, Keeley, is in town while our parents are in meetings so we have spent 2 afternoons so far drinking coffee in the park watching people.

Yesterday we went to a restaurant called Mono Loco (the Funky Monkey)

and had their incredible

chicken nachos. Oh. My. Goodness. They were amazing. We didn't quite finish them off...it was just a little too much. But we certainly tried.

Today I think we'll do more of the same people watching with coffee in the park, then eat somewhere else...like Pollo Campero or Tacos 3x10.

Anyway...I hope you're all great too!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm packing...

I've been packing off and on for the last few weeks. I got most of my belongings into a storage unit my parents and I rented together, and now just have clothes, shoes, and other random items that I need access to before I go.

I'm headed to Guatemala on Sunday and I simply cannot wait. I haven't been home in a year and a half. It's about time. I get to see my best friend and spend some quality time with her.

I got a new iPod today. Actually my first iPod. I had a Creative Zen mp3 player for a while, and it was ok, but the iPod is amazing.

My roommate agreed to make a wedding cake for a friend that's getting married tomorrow. It is going to be beautiful. I'll take a picture of the finished product and post it when I get the chance.

Have a great night, everyone.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another Chapter Ends

Well folks, I did it. Tonight officially marked my last shift at Starbucks.

After working there for more than 3 years (3 years, 1 month and 3 days to be exact), it is quite a relief to know that I no longer have to plan my life around when I have to be at work next. I don't have to go to bed at 10 at the latest on Sunday night in order to be at work on Monday morning at 4:45, and I don't have to say no to friends who want to go bowling because I have to close on Thursday night.

It feels great.

But I will say that part of the reason I stuck with the job for so long is because I really did truly enjoy it. For the most part. I'll call the end of this chapter bittersweet.

It is bitter because there are people who I have made contact with several times a week simply because of my job. Some of them I worked with, and some of them I served. Since I'm a people person, I loved seeing my customers' faces almost every day, and that is one thing I will miss. Knowing snippets of people's lives just because I was one of their neighborhood baristas was awesome. Making someone's day better just by making and serving them their daily treat was even more fun.

It is sweet because the current working environment at my store is less than ideal at this point in time. A recent change in management has brought a whole new dynamic to the workplace, and it is not something that I will miss.

So friends, next time you go to Starbucks, hope that the person on the other side of the counter enjoys their job as much as I did, simply because they are seeing your face and making your drink the way you like it. You might be the highlight of their day.