Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So I know I've not been a responsible writer lately, and a lot of that has to do with the end of school. I finally am done with schoolwork forever, until I decide to go to grad school...if I decide to go to grad school at all.

So basically, the last couple of weeks have been filled with catching up on school work that I needed to do, waiting for my final official letter (which came on Friday!!!) and finishing school in order to graduate on FRIDAY!!

In short, I got a job, I finished school, and I'm graduating from College...all in one week. God has been so Good.

Oh yeah...and I got my first choice, so I'm officially moving to Romania in October. I can't wait to go to a new place I've never been and experience things I've never experienced.

Thanks for your prayers through out this whole process...I will continue to update you about what goes on.

And I'll post pictures of grad at some point. Get ready to see lots of people I love!!


Amanda said...

Yeah, Angela! I've been thinking about you so much. What an exciting time in your life.