Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Loving it!

So I'm loving being home...I haven't been in Guatemala in over a year and a half and it's great. One of my favorite things to do is go and sit in the park and people watch. Here you can do that and not be creepy :). My best friend, Keeley, is in town while our parents are in meetings so we have spent 2 afternoons so far drinking coffee in the park watching people.
So I'm loving being home...I haven't been in Guatemala in over a year and a half and it's great. One of my favorite things to do is go and sit in the park and people watch. Here you can do that and not be creepy :). My best friend, Keeley, is in town while our parents are in meetings so we have spent 2 afternoons so far drinking coffee in the park watching people.

Yesterday we went to a restaurant called Mono Loco (the Funky Monkey)

and had their incredible

chicken nachos. Oh. My. Goodness. They were amazing. We didn't quite finish them off...it was just a little too much. But we certainly tried.

Today I think we'll do more of the same people watching with coffee in the park, then eat somewhere else...like Pollo Campero or Tacos 3x10.

Anyway...I hope you're all great too!!


elise said...

yay pictures!!
love it :) i'm so glad you're enjoying home! miss you. love you!