Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Worthy is the Lamb

When I was in high school I gained a new appreciation for Worship music. Several girls in my class introduced me to Darlene Czech at Hillsong. Consequently, I started buying Hillsong music, and we all started trading cd's, etc. I must say, this woman is so talented....so so so talented. The Lord has truly blessed this church with amazing worship leaders and inspiration to write songs that have led millions in worship. One song that I know many many people know out of Hillsong is Shout to the Lord. While we barely started singing this song in our churches here in the States about eleven or twelve years ago (from what I can tell...), the copywrite on it is for 1992. I wonder what songs we will be singing in 10 years that the Lord has put on the hearts of those Down Under this year that will lead us over and over again to the Throne...wow.

Here is one of my favorite songs of all time...as sung by Darlene Czech at Hillsong. You can buy it on iTunes...but here are the lyrics. It's amazing and beautiful...I can't say enough.

Worthy Is The Lamb lyrics

Thank you for the cross Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace

Thank you for this love Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crown
You reign victorious
High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

OH and I'll try to be better about posting. I love you all!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

8 random facts...i've been tagged.

So i was tagged by my sweet friend Ashley to do this 8 random facts about myself thing...so here goes.

1. No one would ever know unless they asked and I told them, that I was born in Mississippi.
2. I've never lived in the same house for more than three consecutive years of my life...this apartment at DBU is about to reach its expiration date on my ability to live in it.
3. I've successfully made up and told two cheezy stupid jokes all on my own...and some people think they're funny. I do, though, tend to laugh at my own jokes, which is sad in and of itself.
4. I'm the queen of procrastination, therefore when I have to stay up until 4 in the morning writing a paper, I don't drink caffiene (it does nothing for me, except comfort me in the morning when I don't want to be up yet), I drink water....lots and lots of water to keep myself getting up to move around and go to the bathroom.
5. When I was 19, I hated being 19...it just seemed like a "blah" age to me.
6. My favorite meal of all time consists of grilled beef-steak (thin), on a thick corn tortilla with guacamole all in one bite. yum.
7. Try saying "Iced-quad-venti-six-pump-vanilla-non-fat-upside-down-extra-caramel Caramel Macchiato" fast five times. That's my drink.
8. As much as I love my biological family...grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, my preference is to spend Christmas not in the States with them, but in Guatemala with my mission family, who has been a part of my whole life, has watched me grow up. This holiday season tradition growing up for me consisted of Thanksgiving in a place called Ixchiguan, (one of those last corners of the world before you fall off the face of the earth places), where 30-40 people, young and old, would cram into a small house to spend the night, in super super cold weather. Then, the Christmas party would come and there would be a gift-exchange for the kids and a white elephant game for the adults (including returning college MKs), followed immediately by the MK retreat in the hippy town at the lake with no more supervision then absolutely needed. Later, Christmas would come around, and that was shared with immediate family, and maybe one other family would come over for Christmas dinner. New years was the grand finale, friends of mine and my brother's would come to our house in Antigua (the place to be at New Years) and we'd go down town, to the strip where thousands of people were, watch the fireworks shows, etc. Thus, my Christmas season was super festive with fireworks all throughout and not having to be with my biological extended family.