Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Second to Last Semester...

Well I have two semesters to go. This is the beginning of my second to last semester, and I'm already for it to be over...and we're just getting started. Oh well. Honestly, as ready as I am to be done with school, and as much as I'm looking forward to the next chapter in my life, there is still a bit of uncertainty and fear that comes with the future.

I can make plans and apply for jobs and desire to leave the country all I want, but ultimately it's up to God where He takes me next. I'm excited about the prospects and can't wait to see what's in store.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


This Summer I went to five weddings. Five. Not only did I go to five weddings, I was in three of the five, each of them one week after the other. For three weeks in a row.

Yes, I had to buy three different dresses and be present at three rehearsals, walk down three aisles in three different churches in three different cities carrying three different flower arrangements, three different sets of circumstances, for three different, precious people.

The first wedding I was in was that of one of my most precious friends. Jenn and I met when we were ten years old living in Nicaragua. We had our rough times, times when one of us would disagree with what the other was doing or disapprove of who the other was hanging out with or dating at the time (usually I was the one disapproving or disagreeing). During these times, there would be chapters of silence in our friendship, where we wouldn't talk to one another for days, even weeks at a time.

I remember one time, Jenn's mom called me and told me not to call Jenn again until Jenn was ready to talk to me. I must have been really mean.

I think I was 12 then.

Throughout the years, the past 12 years, Jenn and I have had some rough times. But we have always held our friendship precious, and each chapter of silence in our friendship always brought about growth and a new appreciation for each other. To this day, I know I will be friends with Jenn forever.

It was such an honor and blessing to be able to stand by her as she vowed to love and cherish Robert for the rest of her life.

I love you Jenn!!!

The second wedding I was in was that of my brother and my new sister-in-law. My brother is one of my role models, a Godly man who has been through a lot and ultimately and obviously loves the Lord.

And his new wife is such a precious friend and part of our family. At first, apparently, it seemed that I was not too fond of her, but I liked her from the very beginning.

She is so sweet and easy to talk to, fun to hang out with, shop with, and do projects with. I'm so proud she's my sister-in-law, and I'm proud of my brother for finding her and marrying her.

The third wedding I was in was my sweet roommate Ashley's. She is one of the Godliest women I know, and has such a kind heart.

Ashley is the girl that was planning her wedding probably since she was four years old, and even though she had no prospects, would buy things like tiaras and ring-bearers pillows on clearance.

Her wedding had more than 300 yards of tulle involved in it some way or another, and we spent hours decorating the church.

The wedding was beautiful, all 7 bridesmaids wore matching champagne dresses and gold ballet shoes, which un planned, matched Ashley's white ballet shoes. We should have been on TV...like TLC's "A Wedding Story" or something like that.

Ashley was a precious friend, amazing roommate, Godly woman, and I know that now Chris has the wife that God intended for him.

All of this to say, that weddings are one of the coolest things to go to, and I was so honored to be a part of all three this summer.